Konu anlatımı: Family Members (In Family Names)

 Family Members (In Family Names)

Bu bölümde karı, koca, oğul ve kız gibi terimlerin İngilizce karşılıklarını öğrenip cümlelerde kullanacağız.

Husband: Koca


My husband's name is George.

My husband works in a huge company.

How is your husband today?

Wife: Karı


My wife's name is Gloria.

I love my wife so much.

My wife is thirty-five years old.

Son: Oğul


My son is sixteen years old.

I have three sons in my family.

My oldest son have yellow hair.

Daughter: Kız


I have two daughters in my family.

I love my daugters so much.

where is my little daughter?

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